Z400 Claim: "Class-leading speed."
Disclaimer: Claim is based on speeds published on company websites as of 11/25/2019 for the following 52”- 54” zero-turn models: Gravely Pro-Turn ZX, Scag Patriot, Exmark Radius S Series, Toro Titan HD 2000 Series, Hustler Fastrak SDX.
L Series Claim: "#1 selling compact tractor in the U.S. for over 10 years."
Disclaimer: Based on EDA tractor sales data of under 40 horsepower models from 2009 to 2019.
BX Series Claim: "#1 selling sub-compact tractor in the U.S. for over ten years."
Disclaimer: Based on EDA tractor sales data of under 20 horsepower models from 2009 to 2019.
Sidekick Claim: "The Kubota Sidekick has best-in-class acceleration and handling with cargo."
Disclaimer: Class is based on these models: Polaris Ranger XP 900, John Deere XUV835M & Kawasaki Mule PRO-FXR. The handling comparison was performed on the FSAE SKIDPAD course in gravel conditions.
Sidekick Claim: “The strength to haul a half ton.”
Disclaimer: Excludes California models.